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November 3rd is the final day to sign up for Norgesskolen Winter. 
Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the best of Norwegian winter, all while improving your language skills and making friends for life. 

We are now accepting registrations for Norgesskolen!

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Norgesskolen is a one of a kind Norwegian language school dedicated to providing immersive experiences in the Norwegian language and culture. Our programs offer a unique opportunity to enhance language skills while gaining a deeper understanding of Norwegian society. 

We offer a comprehensive two-week summer school and a focused one-week winter school. At Norgesskolen, students engage in a rich curriculum that combines Norwegian language instruction with cultural education. Our diverse range of activities includes sports, outdoor adventures, hiking trips, and excursions, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging learning experience. 

Norgesskolen is more than just a language school; it's a place where lifelong friendships are formed, and learning is made fun. As a non-profit organization, we rely solely on school fees for funding, receiving no state support. Join us at Norgesskolen to embark on an unforgettable journey of language learning and cultural exploration!

At Norgesskolen, students will:

  • Receive comprehensive education in the Norwegian language

  • Participate in a variety of sports and seasonal outdoor activities

  • Form lifelong friendships with peers from around the globe

  • Develop and strengthen their Norwegian identity

  • Experience an international environment and learn to overcome cultural barriers in a positive manner

  • Enjoy the unique experience of a Norwegian summer or winter

Maïka, 18

Norgesskolen gave me much more than just the language; Norgesskolen gave me the taste of being Norwegian (...) 

For four years of my life, Norgesskolen meant everything to me. As soon as it was over, I thought about next year. I had so many experiences that my “regular” life at home suddenly became… just boring.

Sondre, 17

Norgesskolen for me has been one of the greatest experiences and something I will never forget. I have met friends for life. Even though the people at Norgesskolen are spread all around the world, we keep in touch via internet and I can’t wait to see them again next summer.

Andrine, 15

Three weeks was too short. I had such a fantastic experience that I wish I could have stayed longer. I came to develop my Norwegian, experience Norwegian culture, prepare and eat Norwegian food, try Norwegian outdoor life and of course see the Norwegian world famous serie SKAM!


Contact us

Mobile : +47 48 15 11 45

Rådhusgaten 23B

0158 Oslo, Norway

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