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Frequently asked questions

Children and students, parents, grandparents or others might have questions before signing up for Norgesskolen. Some of the most frequently asked questions are listed below. For other questions please contact Norgesskolen on e-mail or contact our Director at

  • How do the students live at Norgesskolen?
    The students and the staff all live in dormitory houses at Sagavoll. There are both single and double rooms, showers and bathroom and a lounge area. The students are divided into groups according to age and gender and each group is assigned its own dorm leader – a counselour in charge. The students are given the opportunity to provide input on the choice of room type and who they would like as roommate. We will do our best to satisfy these requests. At Norgesskolen Winter, students share rooms with 2-3 others. Rooms are divided by gender.
  • Can siblings stay in the same room?
    The students at Norgesskolen are divided into boarding groups according to age and gender. For practical reasons, the boys live on one floor and the girls on another. Same-sex siblings can easily share a room if the age difference is not too big. Before you enroll your children, please make sure that the oldest really want to share a room with the youngest. Siblings will have lots of points of contact throughout the day; in groups, in the dining room, during activities and both younger and older students make their own new friends. If a younger child feels homesick, older siblings always get the opportunity to be with the youngest. We have experienced this too often be in the evening.
  • What kind of food is served?
    We typically eat a Norwegian diet and we eat all meals in the dining room and the boarding school. The dorm leader keeps his group company and eats together with the children. A regular Norwegian diet is served at Sagavoll. This Norwegian diet contains a lot of bread, which can be unfamiliar to many. For breakfast we are served oatmeal, fresh bread, crispbread, cheese, jam, cold cuts and fresh fruit. For lunch there is often a salad, sometimes soup or another hot dish, as well as bread / rolls and different types of cold cuts. For dinner we eat meat four days, fish two days and vegetarian one day a week. In the evening, the students may eat food they have packed during lunch. This food is kept cool during the day. Vegetarians and vegans as well as students with allergies receive adapted food daily. The kitchen staff at Sagavoll are doing their best to provide Norgesskolen with a rich choice of good quality food.
  • My child is in need of a special diet - what do we do?
    It is important that Norgesskolen receives detailed information about your child's diet so that we can inform the kitchen at Sagavoll Folkehøgskole about this. Be sure to fill in information about diet or allergies in the registration form.
  • Can students have their laundry done?
    There will be an opportunity to do laundry. It is important that the clothes are well marked, especially for the youngest students, as it is the leaders who wash their clothes. We expect the oldest students to arrange their own laundry. Norgesskolen covers the costs of the laundry. Norgesskolen does not take responsibility for incorrect washing such as staining.
  • What should we pack?
    Please see respective packing lists for more information. The school provides a duvet, pillow, bed linen and towels for all students. We also have tents, sleeping pads and sleeping bags for tent trips.
  • May students bring mobile devices?
    The children / youth may bring a mobile phone, iPad and laptop with them. However, they should only be used during specified communication hours. Then students can contact family, chat with friends and play games. Laptops and ipads can also be used when needed in class for educational purposes. The teachers will let the students know when it is needed.
  • Should students bring pocket money?
    Students do not need to bring pockey money for snacks/sodas etc., as spending money for the on-site snack bar is included in the registration fee. Students may bring a credit card or more money if needed. However, we emphasize that money and valuables are the students' own responsibility.
  • Is there a requirement for prior knowledge of the Norwegian language?
    It is not necessary to know Norwegian to attend Norgesskolen. In the teaching, the students are divided into groups according to age and skill. Norwegian is used in all organized activities. Other language may be used when necessary for the benefit of the students.
  • Is it possible to participate in the Norwegian school for a shorter period?
    Norgesskolen is a 2-week offer with a comprehensive teaching program and a summer camp. We recommend all students to attend Norgesskolen throughout the whole period in order to benefit and enjoy activities and excursions. Our students make new friends very quickly, and according to what they tell us, the time away from the family is not experienced as long. We have had students who for various reasons had to go home earlier, and it is always quite sad for them and their new friends to say goodbye. We understand that homesickness can occur in a new environment. Every year we have tough, nine- and ten-year-olds who forget to call home because they are too busy with their new friends, and older children who need some time to warm up and adjust. You as parents know best if your child is mature and independent enough to be away from family for 14 days.
  • What happens if my child has to leave/go home?
    Sometimes during Norgesskolen students have to go home either because they fall ill, have home sickness or because they have violated the school rules. If this were to happen, the student’s parents/contact person will be notified in advance, and the return will happen at your own cost. In these cases, Norgesskolen does not refund any of the costs as expenses for personnel and rent are the same.
  • Do you have rules for the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs?
    We emphasize that the use of alcohol and any type of narcotics are strictly prohibited. It is not allowed to smoke at the school. Violation of the conduct may lead to expulsion. If this were to happen, the student’s parents/contact person will of course be notified in advance, and will have to cover the transportation cost.
  • Do students have to be Norwegian citizens to participate?
    Students do not have to be Norwegian citizens to attend. Most students are not Norwegian citizens, and students of all nationalities are welcome to join.
  • What happens if my child becomes ill?
    We will take the student to a physician if he/she gets sick. If the condition is serious, we notify the parents or other contact persons. If the student is older than 16, there is a fee to be paid for the medical consultation. Norgesskolen usually covers those bills, however we expect the parents to refund extra expenses.
  • My child has special needs, can they attend Norgesskolen?
    It depends on the needs. At Norgesskolen, we have a combination of classes and physical activities. The students should be able to attend the different classes and activities. For more details, please contact our Director
Contact us

Mobile : +47 48 15 11 45


Rådhusgata 23B

0158 Oslo, Norway

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