Norgesskolen curriculum
Curriculum for mother tongue teaching for language minorities level 1
Listening and speaking
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
express their own feelings and opinions
listen to, understand and talk about the content of oral narratives and other texts
speak coherently about their experiences related to their school day, their family and their community
understand and use numbers in practical situations
Reading and writing
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
recognize numbers and the letters or characters of their mother tongue
relate letters to sounds and bring the sounds together to form words, or use characters
read adapted texts fluently and coherently
understand and fill out simple forms with personal information
write their own texts, digitally and in functional handwriting
employ simple strategies for reading comprehension
find books or digital texts in their mother tongue
Language learning
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
experiment with speech sounds, words and expressions, rhymes and jingles
relate personal experiences by means of words, drawings, pictures, music and movement
talk about how words and pictures work together in a given text
understand and reflect on the relationship between speech and written language
describe and assess their own language learning work
Language and culture
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
talk about the content of fairy tales, songs or poems
talk about and summarize the gist of puzzles, jokes or other humorous texts
talk about persons and actions in texts about everyday life, stories or other relevant literature
Curriculum for mother tongue teaching for language minorities level 2
Listening and speaking
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
give expression to their own thoughts, feelings and experiences
listen to others and respond to other people’s stories, descriptions and messages
converse with and pose questions to their fellow pupils about technical topics and everyday events
talk about the content of films, computer games, literary texts and plays
explain and use technical words and concepts
Reading and writing
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
read different types of text with an understanding of the content
read and understand simple tables and graphic presentations
repeat, in their own words, information from school texts
structure their own texts with headings, an introduction and a conclusion
write coherent texts, stories and letters
conduct information searches and create, store and retrieve texts with the aid of digital tools
use dictionaries and digital aids
Language learning
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
give examples of linguistic structures from their mother tongue and compare these with Norwegian
talk about how one expresses oneself in a variety of social contexts
master some strategies for understanding and learning new words and concepts
give examples of communication strategies
use their own experiences to talk about differences and similarities between their mother tongue and Norwegian
describe and assess their progress in learning their mother tongue
Language and culture
The aims of the studies are to enable students to
talk about lifestyles, traditions, social conventions and customs, and about the role that language plays in each of these
explain how the choice of words, the use of the voice and body language may all express different attitudes
talk about how various conventions for showing politeness are used